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To book, purchase our Making Party Pass and register for all classes offered April 29 listed below.

For Your Body
Making Party

Saturday, April 29, 2023


Come join us for this special event in which you can take all of our natural body product classes in one day! In addition to all three classes, this package includes a local coffee social, farm-to-table lunch, and snack spread.


You will leave class with:

- 4oz homemade body butter

- 4oz bar of soap

- 4oz mason jar candle

- The knowledge of how all of our body products are made


You will also have the option to purchase additional product we make in class at a discounted rate. As the product we make in class is limited, if you know you would like additional products please let us know ahead of time so we can make sure to bring additional supplies.

Schedule of Events: 

9:30: Local Coffee Social

10:00AM: Soap Making 101

12:00PM: Locally Sourced Farm-to-table Lunch

1:30PM: Candle Making 101

3:30PM: Body Butter 101

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